About us關於國凱

  國凱布業有限公司 自1988年成立,公司成立已逾25年,以婚紗禮服布料為主要銷售產品,相關的布料如緞布、紗、網等與設計變化加工製成的各式布料,在國內外市場均已取得良好口碑,並贏得許多客戶的廣泛認可。



  Kuo Kai Cooperation has been established since 1988. The company was founded more than 25 yearsin the wedding fabric. The core business is selling the fabrics of wedding fabric which are composed by satin, muslin, net …etc, and their related combination. The fabric are qualified by many customers and created a good reputation with widespread certification.

Besides wedding fabric, the fabrics widely applied on decoration field, like holiday celebration, performance & exhibition stage decoration…etc, are also included in our product portfolio. Our business sells in the whole worldwide, including China, Hong Kong, USA, Spain, Brazil, Peru, Malaysia, Vietnam, middle east…etc.

Kuo Kai Co. provides both customized service and high quality products, and keeps developing new type of fabric actively and continuously. With Creative development and professional service, Kuo Kai Co. has built a long term business partner relationship with our customers, and will keep improving and providing better quality products and service to approach more customers in worldwide.